Dec 2, 2012

My Artwork lately

Hi people! I'm gonna show you some of my artworks. All done by Adobe Photoshop. I made them for refreshing, even though my most homeworks and projects are using computer too for designing. Making illustration is fun and challenging. Need more practice and learning in it :)
Close up Oriental Woman


Terikat Dosa - Butuh Juruselamat (Bounded to Sin - Need Savior)

Nov 20, 2012

Making My Own Industrial

Lately, I've been thinking about adding more piercing on my ear  and it's gonna be The Industrial. I'm about to share how I get my first piercing in my childhood.
Ow.. right. Sorry, I will explain you first what is Industrial piercing and another piercing types. There will be images so you can figure out easily. And Here we go.
Ear Piercing Types 1
I don't found a complete explaination from only one image, so I searched again and found more. I get all these piercing types images from google, so I don't own any of these. ;)

Ear Piercing Types 3
Ear Piercing Types 2
Actually I already have the Snug type and I think having Industrial type is kinda cool and catchy. And FYI as a girl I don't have the Lobe Type at all. My mom didn't allowed the nurse to make it when I was being born in the Hospital. She said "Yeah, no need to bcause she can make it on her self when she grows up". Haha kinda cool mom! I can't believe she said that to the nurse. Now here I go making my own piercing, mom!

I started piercing when I was graduated from Elementary school. Which means I was 12 years old that time. My first piercing was Helix or Rim types, and I have two. At the Holiday that time I was at the mall with my uncle and her wife. And they accompanied me to the piercing shop there.

By the way my inspiration for adding the Industrial type is........
Seungri from BIGBANG, I first seeing how much cool the Industrial type was from the MV Fantastic Baby. Actually Seungri is not idol, I prefer G Dragon and I love Daesung's voice! They're awesome!
Seungri I
Seungri II
Here some random images of awesome custom Industrial earings. I'm gonna have one of these one day when my Industrial done. Still have to do hunting ;)
Unique Earing
And if you guys are thinking to have more piercing too. Here's some tips from me.
1. Know your type of ear (check the image below)
2. Try to spot the best area of your future piercing will be.
3. If you're about to have two or more hole in a row, make sure it'll be in right are, if not it'll gonna be very ugly.
4. Ask advices from your friend about the piercing you will have.
5. Hunting! Hunting earing with your girls is so much fun!
6. Let's add more piercing!

Types of Ear
Last but not least here's the latest pict of my ear with piercing on it :'D See ya! GOD bless!

Nov 19, 2012

The Girl I Used To Know

Katherina Adriani
One day at mc donalds near my house. I sat alone with my laptop and french fries. and ice milo my fave drink. Workin on projects and deadlines.. sometimes if I kinda feel bored at home or dorm, this place is the answer. Wi-fi, check. Electricity plug, check. 2 tables for my design armor, check! :D Then I remember my old best friend, Nina, once asked me to draw a picture of her. Then I grabbed my mini sketch book, tryin to remember her face while I imagine her grown up. I sketch and scratch! and DONE! da Girl I used to know: NINA. Memories. Happiness, Silliness, Craziness, Yaoi stuff. yup too much to ask. Coz we've been friends since in Kinder garten Maybe seperated once in the JHS. She's a very beautiful/handsome cosplayer now. haha. that's it from my girl!

Apr 13, 2011

Benarkah Satwa Indonesia dilindungi UU??

Hukum di Indonesia yang mengatur mengenai konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya adalah UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 5 TAHUN 1990 ; TENTANG KONSERVASI SUMBER DAYA ALAM HAYATI DAN EKOSISTEMNYA.
Hukum diatas diperkuat dengan PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 7 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG PENGAWETAN JENIS TUMBUHAN DAN SATWA, dengan lampiran daftar flora dan fauna yang dilindungi di Indonesia.

Secara lengkap Undang-Undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah ini dapat diunduh dari website Departemen Kehutanan, dengan alamat:
Daftar flora dan fauna yang dilindungi oleh PP RI No. 7 tahun 1999 dapat dilihat disini:

Pasal 21, ayat 2:
Setiap orang dilarang untuk :
a. menangkap, melukai, membunuh, menyimpan, memiliki, memelihara, mengangkut, dan memperniagakan satwa yang dilindungi dalam keadaan hidup;
b. menyimpan, memiliki, memelihara, mengangkut, dan memperniagakan satwa yang dilindungi dalam keadaan mati;
c. mengeluarkan satwa yang dilindungi dari suatu tempat di Indonesia ke tempat lain di dalam atau di luar Indonesia;
d. memperniagakan, menyimpan atau memiliki kulit, tubuh, atau bagian-bagian lain satwa yang dilindungi atau barang-barang yang dibuat dari bagian-bagian tersebut atau mengeluarkannya dari suatu tempat di Indonesia ke tempat lain di dalam atau di luar Indonesia;
e. mengambil, merusak, memusnahkan, memperniagakan, menyimpan atau memiliki telur dan atau sarang satwa yang dillindungi.

Pasal 24, ayat 1:
Apabila terjadi pelanggaran terhadap larangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21, tumbuhan dan satwa tersebut dirampas untuk negara.

Pasal 40
(1) Barang siapa dengan sengaja melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 19 ayat (1) dan Pasal 33 ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah).
(2) Barang siapa dengan sengaja melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) serta Pasal 33 ayat (3) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah).
(3) Barang siapa karena kelalaiannya melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 19 ayat (1) dan Pasal 33 ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah).
(4) Barang siapa karena kelalaiannya melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) serta Pasal 33 ayat (3) dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta
(5) Tindak pidana sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2) adalah kejahatan dan tindak pidana sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) dan ayat (4) adalah pelanggaran.

Pasal 43
Pada saat mulai berlakunya Undang-undang ini, maka:
1. Ordonansi Perburuan (Jachtordonnantie 1931 Staatsblad 1931 Nummer 133);
2. Ordonansi Perlindungan Binatang-binatang Liar (Dierenbeschermingsordonnantie 1931 Staatsblad 1931 Nummer 134);
3. Ordonansi Perburuan Jawa dan Madura (Jachtoddonnantie Java en Madoera 1940 Staatsblad 1939 Nummer 733);
4. Ordonansi Perlindungan Alam (Natuurbeschermingsordonnantie 1941 Staatsblad 1941 Nummer 167);
dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi.

Cruelty Behind The Mask Of Jakarta's Monkey Circuses

Here is the strory;
Their torment starts deep in the forests of Sumatra where the macaques, an endangered species of monkey, live.

Teams of poachers use ­sickening methods to trap them. The most popular one is to shoot the mother and then prise the clinging baby off her.

Baby macaques are preferred as they have a longer life as ­performers. The ­poachers are paid £2 for each monkey by dealers, who sell them on to street “entertainers” in Jakarta for £5 each.

It’s here the torture really begins. The monkeys are hung upside down so they learn how to walk ­upright. Chains are then clamped around their necks and they have to stand up straight or be punished.

The monkeys are starved and only fed when they obey to make sure they learn quickly. The highly-social primates are forced to live inside cramped wooden crates and can’t interact with each other, leading them to become deeply ­disturbed.

After being “trained” they are taken to tourist spots to “work”.

FYI : "Usually 40 percent of monkeys end up dead. If they’re not physically strong enough, they die during the basic training, though some die later in the toy training phase."

JAAN needs your help to end this cruelty!

How you can help:

1. Please write us a letter stating why you feel that this cruelty should be ended and send this, by fax to JAAN (+62 21 7199917) and sign petition
Follow this petition link:

2. If you see a monkey performing on the streets, report this to us. Please take a picture of the monkey (s), the person handling the monkey and don’t forget to mention the location. Please send your information and pictures to

3. If you see a monkey chained or kept caged, please also report this to us. Don’t forget to include a picture, and mention the date and location.

JAAN is setting up a database of Topeng Moneyt people and the primates they use in the hope we can get a ban enacted.

Adopt=Give Second chance to Live

Mengadopsi seekor anjing yang
membutuhkan keluarga adalah keputusan yang besar dan sangat berarti, karena
mengadopsi adalah lebih dari sekedar mendapat anjing gratis, tapi suatu
komitmen untuk memberi kesempatan kedua bagi seekor makhluk hidup yang
sebelumnya sudah mengalami kesulitan dan pengalaman traumatik.

Prosedur adopsi:

isi form adopsi dan kembalikan ke icareadopt@gmail. com
ada wawancara dan house visit. ada penggantian biaya steril sebesar 300 rb untuk
anjing dewasa dan DP steril sebesar 100 rb untuk anjing dibawah 5 bulan,
pada saat anjing tsb siap disteril dapat dibawa ke dokter hewan yang
bekerja sama dengan icare untuk mendapat diskon sterilisasi

kalau mau melihat anjing yang mau diadopsi bisa ke kantor
kami di kemang timur 17, jaksel, tapi harap mengabari setidaknya 2 hari sebelum
datang, berhubung kami tidak memiliki penampungan kami akan mengatur supaya
anjing yang anda mau adopsi bisa dibawa kesana sebelum anda datang karena
anjing2 ini dipelihara di foster home masing2.

Prosedur ini kami terapkan karena anjing dan kucing yang
ada dalam list kami sudah mengalami hidup yang susah dan kami ingin mereka
mendapat rumah yang mau memelihara mereka sampai usia mereka habis. Kami
menghargai niat baik semua calon adopter tapi berdasarkan pengalaman, kami
harus berhati2 karena tidak semua hal dapat berjalan dengan mulus.

Kalau anda tertarik untuk menjadi relawan atau donatur
bisa cek disini:

Apr 11, 2011

Advantages For Children Who Grow Up With Animals

It’s a wonderful learning experience for children to grow up with a pet.
It can teach children many lessons for life: responsibility, commitment, and love.
That is, of course, if children are guided properly by their parents and if parents are role modeling how to be a responsible pet owner.
Parents need to know and demonstrate responsible Pet Ownership so their children will learn from them.

 Here are some points to consider when you are thinking of getting a pet for your child:
  1. If you decide to get a pet it should be the whole family’s responsibility, not only your child’s. You cannot expect a child to be fully responsible for another living creature since he/she is also not able to care for him or her self yet either.
  2. Do some research first to find out what type of animal fits your family and life-style best.  There are many websites available that help match a pet to families.  If you spend little time at home, maybe a dog won’t be the best pet for you since they require more interactivity with humans than a smaller animal such as a cat or a rabbit.  If you do decide you want to have a dog, check out personalities first. If you are an active family that likes to walk and do outdoor activities, a high energy level dog will suit your family. If you don’t lead such an active life, a smaller dog with a calm personality might suit you better.
  3. Are you ready to make a life time commitment to the animal you are going to bring into your family? Remember, you want to teach your child about responsibilities and commitment which your child will bring with him or her for the rest of their lives. If you give up on your pet for whatever reason you are basically telling your child that giving up on animals (and even people!) is ok if things are not going smoothly. This is obviously not a positive message you want to teach your child.
  4. Be a “hands on” pet owner. It’s you and your family who want to own a pet, so make sure you and your family are the main caretakers and not your staff. By being a “hands on” pet owner you are bonding with your pet and it’s trusting you for its care.
  5. Make sure you guide your children when they are still young and teach them how to be gentle towards animals. Animals are NOT toys! It’s the parents responsibility to make sure that both your child and the animal are safe at all times. Rough behavior should not be allowed.  No tail pulling, poking, teasing, throwing, kicking or hitting.  Those behaviors are not allowed in schools and shouldn’t be allowed at home.
Having a pet will teach your children to be gentle, loving, committed and responsible human beings !
Skills for a successful life!