Hukum di Indonesia yang mengatur mengenai konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya adalah UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 5 TAHUN 1990 ; TENTANG KONSERVASI SUMBER DAYA ALAM HAYATI DAN EKOSISTEMNYA.
Hukum diatas diperkuat dengan PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 7 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG PENGAWETAN JENIS TUMBUHAN DAN SATWA, dengan lampiran daftar flora dan fauna yang dilindungi di Indonesia.
Secara lengkap Undang-Undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah ini dapat diunduh dari website Departemen Kehutanan, dengan alamat:
Daftar flora dan fauna yang dilindungi oleh PP RI No. 7 tahun 1999 dapat dilihat disini:
Pasal 21, ayat 2:
Setiap orang dilarang untuk :
a. menangkap, melukai, membunuh, menyimpan, memiliki, memelihara, mengangkut, dan memperniagakan satwa yang dilindungi dalam keadaan hidup;
b. menyimpan, memiliki, memelihara, mengangkut, dan memperniagakan satwa yang dilindungi dalam keadaan mati;
c. mengeluarkan satwa yang dilindungi dari suatu tempat di Indonesia ke tempat lain di dalam atau di luar Indonesia;
d. memperniagakan, menyimpan atau memiliki kulit, tubuh, atau bagian-bagian lain satwa yang dilindungi atau barang-barang yang dibuat dari bagian-bagian tersebut atau mengeluarkannya dari suatu tempat di Indonesia ke tempat lain di dalam atau di luar Indonesia;
e. mengambil, merusak, memusnahkan, memperniagakan, menyimpan atau memiliki telur dan atau sarang satwa yang dillindungi.[/b]
Pasal 24, ayat 1:
Apabila terjadi pelanggaran terhadap larangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21, tumbuhan dan satwa tersebut dirampas untuk negara.
Pasal 40
(1) Barang siapa dengan sengaja melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 19 ayat (1) dan Pasal 33 ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah).
(2) Barang siapa dengan sengaja melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) serta Pasal 33 ayat (3) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah).
(3) Barang siapa karena kelalaiannya melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 19 ayat (1) dan Pasal 33 ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah).
(4) Barang siapa karena kelalaiannya melakukan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) serta Pasal 33 ayat (3) dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp. 50.000.000,00 (lima puluh juta
(5) Tindak pidana sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2) adalah kejahatan dan tindak pidana sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) dan ayat (4) adalah pelanggaran.
Pasal 43
Pada saat mulai berlakunya Undang-undang ini, maka:
1. Ordonansi Perburuan (Jachtordonnantie 1931 Staatsblad 1931 Nummer 133);
2. Ordonansi Perlindungan Binatang-binatang Liar (Dierenbeschermingsordonnantie 1931 Staatsblad 1931 Nummer 134);
3. Ordonansi Perburuan Jawa dan Madura (Jachtoddonnantie Java en Madoera 1940 Staatsblad 1939 Nummer 733);
4. Ordonansi Perlindungan Alam (Natuurbeschermingsordonnantie 1941 Staatsblad 1941 Nummer 167);
dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi.
Apr 13, 2011
Benarkah Satwa Indonesia dilindungi UU??
Label: aya diandara salvator ayadndr
Animal Lover,
satwa liar,
undang undang
Cruelty Behind The Mask Of Jakarta's Monkey Circuses
Here is the strory;
Their torment starts deep in the forests of Sumatra where the macaques, an endangered species of monkey, live.
Teams of poachers use sickening methods to trap them. The most popular one is to shoot the mother and then prise the clinging baby off her.
Baby macaques are preferred as they have a longer life as performers. The poachers are paid £2 for each monkey by dealers, who sell them on to street “entertainers” in Jakarta for £5 each.
It’s here the torture really begins. The monkeys are hung upside down so they learn how to walk upright. Chains are then clamped around their necks and they have to stand up straight or be punished.
The monkeys are starved and only fed when they obey to make sure they learn quickly. The highly-social primates are forced to live inside cramped wooden crates and can’t interact with each other, leading them to become deeply disturbed.
After being “trained” they are taken to tourist spots to “work”.
FYI : "Usually 40 percent of monkeys end up dead. If they’re not physically strong enough, they die during the basic training, though some die later in the toy training phase."
JAAN needs your help to end this cruelty!
How you can help:
1. Please write us a letter stating why you feel that this cruelty should be ended and send this, by fax to JAAN (+62 21 7199917) and sign petition
Follow this petition link:
2. If you see a monkey performing on the streets, report this to us. Please take a picture of the monkey (s), the person handling the monkey and don’t forget to mention the location. Please send your information and pictures to
3. If you see a monkey chained or kept caged, please also report this to us. Don’t forget to include a picture, and mention the date and location.
JAAN is setting up a database of Topeng Moneyt people and the primates they use in the hope we can get a ban enacted.
Their torment starts deep in the forests of Sumatra where the macaques, an endangered species of monkey, live.
Teams of poachers use sickening methods to trap them. The most popular one is to shoot the mother and then prise the clinging baby off her.
Baby macaques are preferred as they have a longer life as performers. The poachers are paid £2 for each monkey by dealers, who sell them on to street “entertainers” in Jakarta for £5 each.
It’s here the torture really begins. The monkeys are hung upside down so they learn how to walk upright. Chains are then clamped around their necks and they have to stand up straight or be punished.
The monkeys are starved and only fed when they obey to make sure they learn quickly. The highly-social primates are forced to live inside cramped wooden crates and can’t interact with each other, leading them to become deeply disturbed.
After being “trained” they are taken to tourist spots to “work”.
FYI : "Usually 40 percent of monkeys end up dead. If they’re not physically strong enough, they die during the basic training, though some die later in the toy training phase."
JAAN needs your help to end this cruelty!
How you can help:
1. Please write us a letter stating why you feel that this cruelty should be ended and send this, by fax to JAAN (+62 21 7199917) and sign petition
Follow this petition link:
2. If you see a monkey performing on the streets, report this to us. Please take a picture of the monkey (s), the person handling the monkey and don’t forget to mention the location. Please send your information and pictures to
3. If you see a monkey chained or kept caged, please also report this to us. Don’t forget to include a picture, and mention the date and location.
JAAN is setting up a database of Topeng Moneyt people and the primates they use in the hope we can get a ban enacted.
Adopt=Give Second chance to Live
Mengadopsi seekor anjing yang
membutuhkan keluarga adalah keputusan yang besar dan sangat berarti, karena
mengadopsi adalah lebih dari sekedar mendapat anjing gratis, tapi suatu
komitmen untuk memberi kesempatan kedua bagi seekor makhluk hidup yang
sebelumnya sudah mengalami kesulitan dan pengalaman traumatik.
Prosedur adopsi:
isi form adopsi dan kembalikan ke icareadopt@gmail. com
ada wawancara dan house visit. ada penggantian biaya steril sebesar 300 rb untuk
anjing dewasa dan DP steril sebesar 100 rb untuk anjing dibawah 5 bulan,
pada saat anjing tsb siap disteril dapat dibawa ke dokter hewan yang
bekerja sama dengan icare untuk mendapat diskon sterilisasi
kalau mau melihat anjing yang mau diadopsi bisa ke kantor
kami di kemang timur 17, jaksel, tapi harap mengabari setidaknya 2 hari sebelum
datang, berhubung kami tidak memiliki penampungan kami akan mengatur supaya
anjing yang anda mau adopsi bisa dibawa kesana sebelum anda datang karena
anjing2 ini dipelihara di foster home masing2.
Prosedur ini kami terapkan karena anjing dan kucing yang
ada dalam list kami sudah mengalami hidup yang susah dan kami ingin mereka
mendapat rumah yang mau memelihara mereka sampai usia mereka habis. Kami
menghargai niat baik semua calon adopter tapi berdasarkan pengalaman, kami
harus berhati2 karena tidak semua hal dapat berjalan dengan mulus.
Kalau anda tertarik untuk menjadi relawan atau donatur
bisa cek disini:
membutuhkan keluarga adalah keputusan yang besar dan sangat berarti, karena
mengadopsi adalah lebih dari sekedar mendapat anjing gratis, tapi suatu
komitmen untuk memberi kesempatan kedua bagi seekor makhluk hidup yang
sebelumnya sudah mengalami kesulitan dan pengalaman traumatik.
Prosedur adopsi:
isi form adopsi dan kembalikan ke icareadopt@gmail. com
ada wawancara dan house visit. ada penggantian biaya steril sebesar 300 rb untuk
anjing dewasa dan DP steril sebesar 100 rb untuk anjing dibawah 5 bulan,
pada saat anjing tsb siap disteril dapat dibawa ke dokter hewan yang
bekerja sama dengan icare untuk mendapat diskon sterilisasi
kalau mau melihat anjing yang mau diadopsi bisa ke kantor
kami di kemang timur 17, jaksel, tapi harap mengabari setidaknya 2 hari sebelum
datang, berhubung kami tidak memiliki penampungan kami akan mengatur supaya
anjing yang anda mau adopsi bisa dibawa kesana sebelum anda datang karena
anjing2 ini dipelihara di foster home masing2.
Prosedur ini kami terapkan karena anjing dan kucing yang
ada dalam list kami sudah mengalami hidup yang susah dan kami ingin mereka
mendapat rumah yang mau memelihara mereka sampai usia mereka habis. Kami
menghargai niat baik semua calon adopter tapi berdasarkan pengalaman, kami
harus berhati2 karena tidak semua hal dapat berjalan dengan mulus.
Kalau anda tertarik untuk menjadi relawan atau donatur
bisa cek disini:
Label: aya diandara salvator ayadndr
Animal Lover,
Animal rescue,
Buy or Adopt,
I care cats and dogs,
stray dog
Apr 11, 2011
Advantages For Children Who Grow Up With Animals
It’s a wonderful learning experience for children to grow up with a pet.
It can teach children many lessons for life: responsibility, commitment, and love.
That is, of course, if children are guided properly by their parents and if parents are role modeling how to be a responsible pet owner.
Parents need to know and demonstrate responsible Pet Ownership so their children will learn from them.
Here are some points to consider when you are thinking of getting a pet for your child:
Skills for a successful life!
It can teach children many lessons for life: responsibility, commitment, and love.
That is, of course, if children are guided properly by their parents and if parents are role modeling how to be a responsible pet owner.
Parents need to know and demonstrate responsible Pet Ownership so their children will learn from them.
Here are some points to consider when you are thinking of getting a pet for your child:
- If you decide to get a pet it should be the whole family’s responsibility, not only your child’s. You cannot expect a child to be fully responsible for another living creature since he/she is also not able to care for him or her self yet either.
- Do some research first to find out what type of animal fits your family and life-style best. There are many websites available that help match a pet to families. If you spend little time at home, maybe a dog won’t be the best pet for you since they require more interactivity with humans than a smaller animal such as a cat or a rabbit. If you do decide you want to have a dog, check out personalities first. If you are an active family that likes to walk and do outdoor activities, a high energy level dog will suit your family. If you don’t lead such an active life, a smaller dog with a calm personality might suit you better.
- Are you ready to make a life time commitment to the animal you are going to bring into your family? Remember, you want to teach your child about responsibilities and commitment which your child will bring with him or her for the rest of their lives. If you give up on your pet for whatever reason you are basically telling your child that giving up on animals (and even people!) is ok if things are not going smoothly. This is obviously not a positive message you want to teach your child.
- Be a “hands on” pet owner. It’s you and your family who want to own a pet, so make sure you and your family are the main caretakers and not your staff. By being a “hands on” pet owner you are bonding with your pet and it’s trusting you for its care.
- Make sure you guide your children when they are still young and teach them how to be gentle towards animals. Animals are NOT toys! It’s the parents responsibility to make sure that both your child and the animal are safe at all times. Rough behavior should not be allowed. No tail pulling, poking, teasing, throwing, kicking or hitting. Those behaviors are not allowed in schools and shouldn’t be allowed at home.
Skills for a successful life!
Label: aya diandara salvator ayadndr
Animal Lover,
I care cats and dogs,
Nina's Story/Cerita Nina
Banyak orang yang merasa menyayangi anjing mereka, tapi secara tidak sadar membuat hidup anjing mereka sengsara karena ketidak tahuan atau ketidak pedulian mereka. Nina adalah salah satu contoh kekejaman manusia yang tidak mengerti.
Nina lahir di sebuah puppy mill, sebagai anakan campuran anjing ras yang biasa disebut Designer Breed. Setelah agak besar, Nina dijual di petshop. Hidup di petshop bukan pilihan yang baik untuk satwa, apalagi untuk anak anjing. Mereka dipisahkan dari induk mereka dari usia yang masih sangat muda dan terekspos pada lingkungan yang tidak sehat dan kekerasan dari staff petshop. Hanya sedikit yang dapat bertahan dan hidup sampai dewasa. Sejalan dengan waktu, Nina tidak terjual dan akhirnya diberikan kepada teman dari pemilik petshop.
Nina menjalani operasi debarking, artinya pita suaranya dihilangkan sehingga Nina tidak dapat menggonggong lagi, praktek ini adalah praktek yang kejam dan melanggar hak satwa. Hanya orang-orang tidak bertanggung jawab dan mau enaknya sendiri yang melakukan hal ini pada anjingnya. Anjing membutuhkan suara untuk berkomunikasi, menghilangkan kemampuannya bersuara sama saja dengan menghilangkan kesempatan untuk anjing itu mengekspresikan dirinya dan berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya.
Hidup semakin kejam bagi Nina karena kemudian pemiliknya harus pindah dan tidak membawa Nina ke rumahnya yang baru. Nina ditinggalkan begitu saja di kompleks ruko untuk hidup sebagai anjing liar. Tidak lama berkeliaran sendirian, Nina dipungut oleh para pemulung yang tinggal di kompleks ruko itu.
Biarpun para pemulung ini mengakui Nina sebagai milik mereka, Nina hanya makan sisa-sisa sampah yang ada di daerah itu. Nina juga tidur di emperan dan kadang di kolong mobil. Bedanya hanya sekarang para pemulung yang mengaku sebagai pemilik Nina, sering mengawinkan Nina dengan anjing-anjing liar di lokasi itu untuk menjual anakan Nina.
Seringkali Nina menghasilkan anakan yang terlihat seperti anjing ras, anak-anak anjing ini akan dijual oleh para pemulung. Tapi lebih sering lagi anak-anak Nina terlihat seperti anjing kampung dan tentu saja anak anjing seperti ini tidak bisa dijual oleh para pemulung. Biasanya anak-anak Nina berakhir terlindas mobil atau sakit dan akhirnya mati. Untuk anak-anak Nina yang berhasil hidup tapi tidak menghasilkan uang, biasanya para pemulung menggunakan anak-anak anjing ini untuk memalak pengemudi mobil yang melewati daerah itu. Mereka akan melempar anak anjing ke arah mobil yang lewat dan kalau anak anjing itu tewas terlindas mereka akan minta ganti rugi dengan jumlah yang cukup besar kepada pengemudi mobil tersebut.
Hidup sangat berat bagi Nina, setiap hari Nina hanya duduk di kolong mobil dan mengawasi anak-anaknya yang masih tersisa. Anjing ini sudah trauma dan tidak ada lagi yang menarik untuk Nina, makananpun tidak membuat Nina bersemangat.
Suatu hari Nina merasakan ada perubahan di tempat tinggalnya. Sekelompok orang datang membawa alat-alat, orang-orang ini berbeda daripada orang yang biasa dilihat Nina. Karena penasaran, Nina mendekat bersama anaknya, Soya. Walaupun takut, tapi Nina penasaran dan tidak melawan waktu dimasukkan ke dalam kandang bersama anjing-anjing di lokasi yang sama.
Soya yang berusia 6 bulan kemudian disteril, tidak lama kemudian giliran Nina untuk disteril. Waktu operasi, dokter menemukan rahim Nina sudah rusak, perut Nina yang membuncit ternyata bukan karena hamil melainkan karena rahimnya sudah penuh nanah dan menggelembung. Setelah berhasil dioperasi, Nina dan anaknya, Soya, ditampung di foster home untuk dirawat sampai sembuh.
Masalah timbul karena kemudian para pemulung pemilik Nina memaksa Nina untuk dikembalikan. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang sudah dilakukan terhadap Nina, dan mereka tidak mengerti kalau hidup Nina tidak bahagia di lokasi itu. JAAN berusaha untuk mempertahankan Nina dan Soya, setelah sembuh, kami berharap Nina dan Soya dapat menemukan keluarga baru dimana mereka bisa disayang dan tidak perlu mengalami hidup seperti dulu lagi.

Bantu kami mengurangi anjing-anjing yang bernasib seperti Nina, kirim donasi Anda ke:
BCA 4671315558
Atas nama Budhi Virgianti Ramadini
Untuk mengadopsi anjing-anjing yang bernasib seperti Nina silahkan hubungi
Adopt a dog to save a life!
<English version>
Many people claimed that they love their dogs but they make their dog’s life a living hell.
People can do a lot of damage and abuse to their pets out of neglect and ignorance, you can not imagine the damage caused just by a simple act.
Nina is one of the victim of complete ignorance and neglect. Here is her story:
As a puppy, Nina was born in a puppy mill, supplying puppies to petshops.
She was then sold in a petshop as a Designer Breed.
She had the Chihuahua look, but her size was too large for a Chihuahua.
Living in a petshop is bad for a puppy, they had to spend their time in a cage, most of the times filthy with bad food, they were prone to abuse, they were separated from their mothers in very young age and most of them did not make it to adulthood.
As time went by, Nina was not sold and finally she was given to a friend of the petshop owner.
The petshop owner decided to debark her before handling Nina to her friend.
That means she was operated to remove her vocal chord.
She would not be able to bark except making some whiny sound.
Barking is a way to communicate for dogs, debarking is a cruel and unnecessary, done by selfish people who do not wish to have dogs that make noise.
Life continued to be worse for Nina, after a while, her owner decided to move to another place, they did not want to take Nina with them and abandoned her in the junkyard near their 2 storeys unit, where a group of homeless trash pickers live.
These people let Nina to live in the junk with them. They bred Nina many times with their own dogs and tried to sell her puppies.
Sometimes Nina produced puppies that look like Chihuahua puppies, but most of the times, her puppies were more local than Chihuahua.
These puppies were rarely bought by people and most of the time they got hit by cars or died because of illness.
When the puppies didn’t sell, these people usually used the puppies to mugged passing cars, they would throw Nina’s puppies to the passing cars and when the car killed the pup, they will make the driver pay sum of money to compensate ‘the loss of their beloved puppy’.
Life was indeed really cruel for Nina.
This sweet girl was broken, she just sat under the shade all day, her spirit broken, watching her surviving puppies playing in the streets.
One day, life was changing for Nina.
A group of strangers came to the complex where she lives, these people were different than the people she usually met.
They took the dogs into crates and Nina followed them, for once after a very long time, she was curious.
Nina was then taken for an operation, she had a bad pyomethra, her womb was full of pus and swollen, making her seemed to be pregnant but actually she was living in pain.
She could’ve been died if not treated.
One of Nina’s surviving puppy, Soya, was also taken for sterilisation.
This sweet six months old puppy was also very quiet and calm, she did not inherited her mother’s look but she was as sweet as her mom.
Sadly, the people claiming to be Nina’s owners demanded Nina to be returned to them.
They still had no idea what was done to Nina and they did not know that Nina was sterilized, which means that they can not make Nina produce puppies anymore.
Right now Nina is in a foster home in one of JAAN’s staff, recovering after her surgery.
Will life changes for Nina?
This lovely girl is very calm, she is around 5 years old, although her size is not a Chihuahua, she is still quite small and would fit in a lap.
Soya is also waiting for her chance to live a better life, this girl still has a long way to live and she did not deserve to live the life her mother had.
There are many dogs in the area where Nina lives. People dumped their dogs in the area, a girl who works in the area called JAAN to help sterilizing the dogs.
She feeds the dogs after her working hour and even adopted ten dogs from the complex, but the number of the strays never reduced.
She contacted JAAN to sterilize the dogs as she could not watch the dogs breed and the puppies end up in more miseries.
Nina lahir di sebuah puppy mill, sebagai anakan campuran anjing ras yang biasa disebut Designer Breed. Setelah agak besar, Nina dijual di petshop. Hidup di petshop bukan pilihan yang baik untuk satwa, apalagi untuk anak anjing. Mereka dipisahkan dari induk mereka dari usia yang masih sangat muda dan terekspos pada lingkungan yang tidak sehat dan kekerasan dari staff petshop. Hanya sedikit yang dapat bertahan dan hidup sampai dewasa. Sejalan dengan waktu, Nina tidak terjual dan akhirnya diberikan kepada teman dari pemilik petshop.
Nina menjalani operasi debarking, artinya pita suaranya dihilangkan sehingga Nina tidak dapat menggonggong lagi, praktek ini adalah praktek yang kejam dan melanggar hak satwa. Hanya orang-orang tidak bertanggung jawab dan mau enaknya sendiri yang melakukan hal ini pada anjingnya. Anjing membutuhkan suara untuk berkomunikasi, menghilangkan kemampuannya bersuara sama saja dengan menghilangkan kesempatan untuk anjing itu mengekspresikan dirinya dan berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya.
Hidup semakin kejam bagi Nina karena kemudian pemiliknya harus pindah dan tidak membawa Nina ke rumahnya yang baru. Nina ditinggalkan begitu saja di kompleks ruko untuk hidup sebagai anjing liar. Tidak lama berkeliaran sendirian, Nina dipungut oleh para pemulung yang tinggal di kompleks ruko itu.
Biarpun para pemulung ini mengakui Nina sebagai milik mereka, Nina hanya makan sisa-sisa sampah yang ada di daerah itu. Nina juga tidur di emperan dan kadang di kolong mobil. Bedanya hanya sekarang para pemulung yang mengaku sebagai pemilik Nina, sering mengawinkan Nina dengan anjing-anjing liar di lokasi itu untuk menjual anakan Nina.
Seringkali Nina menghasilkan anakan yang terlihat seperti anjing ras, anak-anak anjing ini akan dijual oleh para pemulung. Tapi lebih sering lagi anak-anak Nina terlihat seperti anjing kampung dan tentu saja anak anjing seperti ini tidak bisa dijual oleh para pemulung. Biasanya anak-anak Nina berakhir terlindas mobil atau sakit dan akhirnya mati. Untuk anak-anak Nina yang berhasil hidup tapi tidak menghasilkan uang, biasanya para pemulung menggunakan anak-anak anjing ini untuk memalak pengemudi mobil yang melewati daerah itu. Mereka akan melempar anak anjing ke arah mobil yang lewat dan kalau anak anjing itu tewas terlindas mereka akan minta ganti rugi dengan jumlah yang cukup besar kepada pengemudi mobil tersebut.
Hidup sangat berat bagi Nina, setiap hari Nina hanya duduk di kolong mobil dan mengawasi anak-anaknya yang masih tersisa. Anjing ini sudah trauma dan tidak ada lagi yang menarik untuk Nina, makananpun tidak membuat Nina bersemangat.
Suatu hari Nina merasakan ada perubahan di tempat tinggalnya. Sekelompok orang datang membawa alat-alat, orang-orang ini berbeda daripada orang yang biasa dilihat Nina. Karena penasaran, Nina mendekat bersama anaknya, Soya. Walaupun takut, tapi Nina penasaran dan tidak melawan waktu dimasukkan ke dalam kandang bersama anjing-anjing di lokasi yang sama.
Soya yang berusia 6 bulan kemudian disteril, tidak lama kemudian giliran Nina untuk disteril. Waktu operasi, dokter menemukan rahim Nina sudah rusak, perut Nina yang membuncit ternyata bukan karena hamil melainkan karena rahimnya sudah penuh nanah dan menggelembung. Setelah berhasil dioperasi, Nina dan anaknya, Soya, ditampung di foster home untuk dirawat sampai sembuh.
Masalah timbul karena kemudian para pemulung pemilik Nina memaksa Nina untuk dikembalikan. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang sudah dilakukan terhadap Nina, dan mereka tidak mengerti kalau hidup Nina tidak bahagia di lokasi itu. JAAN berusaha untuk mempertahankan Nina dan Soya, setelah sembuh, kami berharap Nina dan Soya dapat menemukan keluarga baru dimana mereka bisa disayang dan tidak perlu mengalami hidup seperti dulu lagi.
Bantu kami mengurangi anjing-anjing yang bernasib seperti Nina, kirim donasi Anda ke:
BCA 4671315558
Atas nama Budhi Virgianti Ramadini
Untuk mengadopsi anjing-anjing yang bernasib seperti Nina silahkan hubungi
Adopt a dog to save a life!
<English version>
Many people claimed that they love their dogs but they make their dog’s life a living hell.
People can do a lot of damage and abuse to their pets out of neglect and ignorance, you can not imagine the damage caused just by a simple act.
Nina is one of the victim of complete ignorance and neglect. Here is her story:
As a puppy, Nina was born in a puppy mill, supplying puppies to petshops.
She was then sold in a petshop as a Designer Breed.
She had the Chihuahua look, but her size was too large for a Chihuahua.
Living in a petshop is bad for a puppy, they had to spend their time in a cage, most of the times filthy with bad food, they were prone to abuse, they were separated from their mothers in very young age and most of them did not make it to adulthood.
As time went by, Nina was not sold and finally she was given to a friend of the petshop owner.
The petshop owner decided to debark her before handling Nina to her friend.
That means she was operated to remove her vocal chord.
She would not be able to bark except making some whiny sound.
Barking is a way to communicate for dogs, debarking is a cruel and unnecessary, done by selfish people who do not wish to have dogs that make noise.
Life continued to be worse for Nina, after a while, her owner decided to move to another place, they did not want to take Nina with them and abandoned her in the junkyard near their 2 storeys unit, where a group of homeless trash pickers live.
These people let Nina to live in the junk with them. They bred Nina many times with their own dogs and tried to sell her puppies.
Sometimes Nina produced puppies that look like Chihuahua puppies, but most of the times, her puppies were more local than Chihuahua.
These puppies were rarely bought by people and most of the time they got hit by cars or died because of illness.
When the puppies didn’t sell, these people usually used the puppies to mugged passing cars, they would throw Nina’s puppies to the passing cars and when the car killed the pup, they will make the driver pay sum of money to compensate ‘the loss of their beloved puppy’.
Life was indeed really cruel for Nina.
This sweet girl was broken, she just sat under the shade all day, her spirit broken, watching her surviving puppies playing in the streets.
One day, life was changing for Nina.
A group of strangers came to the complex where she lives, these people were different than the people she usually met.
They took the dogs into crates and Nina followed them, for once after a very long time, she was curious.
Nina was then taken for an operation, she had a bad pyomethra, her womb was full of pus and swollen, making her seemed to be pregnant but actually she was living in pain.
She could’ve been died if not treated.
One of Nina’s surviving puppy, Soya, was also taken for sterilisation.
This sweet six months old puppy was also very quiet and calm, she did not inherited her mother’s look but she was as sweet as her mom.
Sadly, the people claiming to be Nina’s owners demanded Nina to be returned to them.
They still had no idea what was done to Nina and they did not know that Nina was sterilized, which means that they can not make Nina produce puppies anymore.
Right now Nina is in a foster home in one of JAAN’s staff, recovering after her surgery.
Will life changes for Nina?
This lovely girl is very calm, she is around 5 years old, although her size is not a Chihuahua, she is still quite small and would fit in a lap.
Soya is also waiting for her chance to live a better life, this girl still has a long way to live and she did not deserve to live the life her mother had.
There are many dogs in the area where Nina lives. People dumped their dogs in the area, a girl who works in the area called JAAN to help sterilizing the dogs.
She feeds the dogs after her working hour and even adopted ten dogs from the complex, but the number of the strays never reduced.
She contacted JAAN to sterilize the dogs as she could not watch the dogs breed and the puppies end up in more miseries.
Label: aya diandara salvator ayadndr
Animal Lover,
Animal rescue,
anmal cruelty,
dog's story,
I care cats and dogs,
pet shop cruelty,
stray dog
Apr 1, 2011
Buy or Adopt?
Animal lovers, especially dog lovers, usually own a dog that was obtained from a variety of sources. Some are given by relatives, some are bought from pet shops or breeders; some are even adopted from the dog shelters. Each of these owners has their own reasons to pick the sources of the dog. One common reason for those who prefer pure breeds or mix breeds rather than the local breeds is because of the high prestige value. Meanwhile, those who prefer adoptions believe that when a dog owner makes that decision, the adopted dogs will also have a second chance to live from the adopters. Realizing about the different ways of obtaining dogs are important so future adopters can make wise decisions in having dogs. It is highly recommend that the adopters think twice before deciding and review some aspects related to the way of having dogs. There are several important differences in the choice of adoption from shelter and buying dogs from breeders or pet shops: the costs, the condition of the dogs and the impact for the population of dogs.
The first thing that must be considered is the costs. To buy a dog from a breeder is very expensive, because the breeder makes the dog as a source of money and object of effort. The breeder usually gives a high price on the grounds that the puppy has good lineage genes from the mother. The breeder would also provide the original certificate for the puppy. Many high class people are interested in buying a puppy of a superior race for fashion and lifestyle. Therefore they are willing to spend money up to tens of millions just to buy dogs from breeders or pet shops. Unlike buying from the breeders, dog-adopters only need to pay for the dog’s sterilization and vaccination cost. The rest are just a matter of papers. The standard price for dogs from adoption is cheaper because the activists and volunteers who work at the shelter do not seek profit at all. The money used to finance the adoption is only for medical expenses and treatments.
In addition to the costs, future owner also needs to know about quality condition of the dogs. Many people assume that by buying from pet shops, the dog purchased is certainly had a healthy body condition and strong immune system. The fact is the rumor is not true. Dogs of the prominent pet shop Puppy Mill died vainly. What actually happen is that the mother; also known as 'baby machine' (usually pure-breed, such as Golden Retriever, Siberian Husky, Shitzu, Chihuahua and many mores;), are being mated by the males continuously. After the birth, the puppies are taken in the age of less than 3 month, in which their immune system still weak. These mating-givebirth cycles never stops until the mother is getting weak, and eventually dies. In the shelter, all dogs were rescued from irresponsible people. The dogs also receive treatment and healing from Vets and volunteers. The psychological problem due to past trauma was slowly removed due to a mental treatment in the foster home. Toilet training is also given by ‘Foster parents’ to the dogs. Hence the dogs from Shelters have better condition than from breeders.
By extremely increasing number of dog population, the number of homeless dogs will increase too. These homeless dogs are suffering and usually considered disturbing to the surrounding communities. Some being killed. Existences of breeders or Puppy mills, or pet shops, make these problems worse. For example, JAAN (Jakarta Animal Aid Network) have frequently rescued stray dogs from the streets which are victims of irresponsible breeder cruelty. Unlike buying dogs from breeders, by adopting a dog from the foster home means saving one life to live. Thus, adopters are also taking part in controlling the dog population. As the dogs at the shelter have been neutered, it helps reduce the birth rates of unwanted born dogs, and it has very big impact. If the population is not being controlled by sterilizing the dogs, in seven years about 50.000 died uselessly.
In conclusion adopting is much better than buying dogs from breeders as it’s assumed from many aspects such as costs, condition of the dogs, and Impact of dogs’ population. To buy dogs from breeders or pet shop impacts many bad causes. Starting adopting a dog from shelter can be a good life style too. It is highly recommended for future owners to think twice before buying dogs from breeders and pet shops. Let us adopt do not buy.
Label: aya diandara salvator ayadndr
Animal Lover,
Buy or Adopt,
I care cats and dogs
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